Id been using TextEdit for the majority of my writing (school and recreational), but I wanted a more proficient document software where I could control the page margins and such (college is very particular about papers being submitted in MLA). So, about a month ago, I purchased WriteRoom (mostly because of the price). I was disappointed. I feel like I have less control over the format of my document, as I can no longer change font, size, or italicize only a certain portion of my text (it has a meltdown whenever I try to italicize something). The full screen mode froze my computer.
The one thing I really liked about the software was the live word count. As an aspiring author, I found the live word count useful for tracking me progress, and it also came in very handy during NaNoWriMo. But, beyond that, I was disappointed by this software. About five minutes ago (after WriteRoom froze yet again), I transferred my book back into TextEdit, which has proven to be more reliable.
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